Calling in the Warrior-Kings in Love with a Woman
(Married or in a committed long-term relationship)
Gillian and I have created a really special 'mastermind' field for your woman:
The Viking Wives Club
Gillian has described The Viking Wives Club powerfully and potently from a woman’s perspective in these two post: (First Post, Second Post)
Here’s my description from a man’s perspective of what we are offering, what is possible for you, your Love and your Mission and your Kingdom.
The Viking Wives Club is a sacred intimate Feminine field where your woman can be with other potent Feminine Women who are in a relationship with a powerful Masculine Man.
This is an exclusive space where her feet will be loving held to fire by Gillian so she can entrain in the codes needed for you to:
If you are a Masculine Man, you are tapped into the Fiery, Electric Energy of your Purpose.
You have a Vision, a Mission and the Drive to Impose your Will on Reality to bring your Vision to Life. You are the Commander of your Ship.
You are prepared to lead your life, your woman, your people and your Kingdom to Greatness.
However, in our current culture almost no women are truly ready for the Ride of Being the Feminine Polarity in a Relational Circuit with a Potent Masculine Man who carries Warrior/King Codes.
This is because the Masculine and Feminine Energetics you must each understand, learn and embody are very precise and hardly anybody has it down yet (but they will!)
The Culture Wars over the last couple of Generations have effectively Criminalized Healthy Masculinity.
These beliefs and energetics are insidious and have penetrated deep into the hidden areas of both the male and female psyches.
We’ve found nearly all women have some miasmic beliefs about Men and the Masculine inserted into their psyche by Culture and Maternal Familial Lines that subtly castrate and de-potentiate the Masculine i.e. you.
To boot, most of them have been poorly Fathered by their Fathers, so the most important masculine template and reference point in their psyche is dysfunctional.
So what happens as a result of her not being in right relationship to your Powerful Masculine Energy?
She resists. She doubts. She withholds. She self-sabotages. She engages in subtle, covert mutiny of where you are trying to lead yourself, her and your whole family (both present and future).
And that is an incredibly frustrating and often miserable experience.
You have built yourself into the type of man who has the energy, drive and capacity to take on the world, slay beasts and dragons for your Namesake and the potential to generate immense abundance for you and all your loved ones…
And yet, if you don’t get the Masculine and Feminine energetics right in your Union, you will be living in the Shadow of your Full Creational Potential (no matter how much you’ve already achieved!)
It will feel like you’re trying to speed down the Autobahn with the Emergency Brake on or Run a Marathon with Ankle Weights on.
You may not even be consciously aware of how much resistance and drag is in your Relational System and the impact that is having on your Power and your ability to Do what you Know you must do to fulfill your Destiny.
What about what is possible when your Woman is able to truly enter a posture of Rightful Devotional Surrender, Submission to you and your Leadership of your Co-Created Kingdom?
The Universe Sings.
Instead of Brakes and Weights you are given Wings.You have the opportunity to be a True Power Couple…but a power couple with the Right Energetics:
Not one where you are both stuck in your Masculine like most other Power Couples.
No, your Union can be known as a Power Couple, where your field is rich with the Erotic, Fertile, Life Giving Frequency of Feminine Potency, Play, Succulence and Sweetness. Where she fully evokes, invites and respects your Masculinity…giving full permission for your Inner Beast and Badass to Come out to Play and Conquer.
Let me ask you this, on a scale of 0 to 10, what percentage of your Benevolent Inner Beast and Badass is truly invited and welcomed by your Woman?
You no doubt have had experiences where you felt the Universe was Conspiring in your favor, with Synchronicities abound to Make Your Dreams a Reality — and also you no doubt have had experiences where no matter what you did, Trick after Trap after Sabotage continued to appear in your reality.
What is one of the primary determinants of which Timeline you are on?
The Creational Energetics of your Union.
You may not yet understand the Metaphysical Principles that Give Rise to this Truth, but you very likely have FELT it.
When you create the conditions for your Woman to Descend into the True Beauty and Majestic Radiance of her Feminine Nature your entire auric field will be blessed with the Devotional Love of the Feminine Heart, and you will beam Magnanimous Frequencies of Power and Love.
You can unlock a level of bliss and peace you never knew possible…even as you strap into your Warrior/King Consciousness to take on the world.
You still have to Fight the same Battles, but you can have so much more Enjoyment and Satisfication with Life while doing so.
And you can be Deeply Honored by Her for all that you do and take on, for the sake of Her, Family and Kingdom.
And the sex? The best sex of your life.
You and she will simply be amazed by how good it can be.
And do not think it ends at pleasure and satisfaction.You will come to know Sex as Divine Technology.
Secrets of your Psyche, Soul and Universe will Reveal themselves to you when your Woman Welcomes you into her Inner Temple with Divinity of True Devotion and Surrender.
What would all this do for your Creational Capacity and your Enjoyment of your Life?
Who you are as a man will change as a result of being able to open and love your woman this deeply.
And you can circulate and channel the Erotic Light of Lovemaking into your Vision, Purpose, Mission and Kingdom.
You will feel aligned and backed with Divine Forces like never before.
The Transmutational Creational Potential of this Eros Drenched Love and Light is (in the right circles) a well known Manifestation Master Key.
So…that’s the potential of getting the Creational Codes of your Union right.
Sound too good to be true?
Well, we’re not promising you will experience all of this in the Viking Wives Club in its 4 month duration.
We are promising we will show you how to lay down the foundational codes for this Generative Devotional Union in your life — and if you carry the Masculine Frequencies to resonate with this offer you undoubtedly know the necessary importance of a solid foundation for any worthwhile endeavor in life.
Expect the Magic to begin to unfold immediately once the correct energetics are nailed.
But also expect it to be a Lifetime Path that unfolds Exponentially, where the first few years are considerably slower as you two are Learning How to Fly.
That said, our experience has shown us that in just a few months we can dissolve 80%-90% of the dysfunction, confusion and reactivity in your relationship, creating a new field of Freshness and Possibility.
The Alchemical Energetics
What are the correct energetics we keep referring to?You must look beyond yourself as Man and Woman and understand that your Relationship is the byproduct of 4 Energies Alchemically Dancing.1. Your Internal Masculine. 2. Your Internal Feminine. 3. Her Internal Feminine 4. Her Internal Masculine.
Only once you get these right, the magic will truly unfold.Some people don’t want to deal with the complexity of these 4 energies, but here we invoke Albert Einstein:
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”
What is the Viking Wives Club?
It is a 4 month mastermind for the Viking Wives.
The women will gather with Gillian twice a month.
There will be 3 ceremonial experiences throughout the journey…
We will architect other real-time transformational experiences for both the men and women based on our dynamic assessment of the couples and the field.
The Viking Wives will journey through Feminine Eros’ Signature Course All For Love: A Journey into the Deep Feminine and Exalted Masculine — (where 500 women have journeyed through this course in the last 2.5 years with life-changing results and miracles abound).
There will be a community field for writing, sharing and commenting.
There will be Special Guest Teachers.
In the way the Viking Wives Club is currently formally constructed, your only required participation is to be present as a witness in a few of the Ceremonial Experiences.
However, there will be an opportunity for a very unique and specialized field of Brotherhood and we will be present to what wants to arise.
Gillian and I also will likely have some availability for some additional rapidly catalyzing 1 on 1 work with you and your woman.
Why Will This Be of Such Service to Your Beloved?
She likely has almost no one she can talk to about her relationship with you without receiving inaccurate and damaging reflections and judgment.
Because you are not like other men.
Most relationship teachings don’t apply to Vikings and Potentiated Warrior Kings.
So she likely feels isolated and lonely in this dimension of her life and women are biologically hard wired to gather in community with other women with similar values.
Just being in a field with other women who she can share her common experience with will be incredibly revelatory and healing, and unlock so much ease and freedom in her being and then yours! Gillian elaborated on this topic in this post.
Why us?
Gillian and I are unique trailblazers on these codes of Masculine and Feminine Energetics in Romantic Relationship. It’s been a deep part of both of our Soul Histories and an essential part of our Destiny to Bring these Ancient Future Masculine/Feminine Love Codes through in this Lifetime in this Way.
We have been in Devotional Union for 5 years and are committed to each other for life. We share a love that lights up a room and inspires people for what’s possible in their relationship.
Here is some relevant biographical information on each of us.

Gillian is here to teach women how to understand, respect and love imperfect Mortal Men and the Cosmic Masculine so that they may create lusciously devotional yet highly functional partnerships with unapologetically Masculine Men.
Years of working with amazing, diverse clients from around the world confirm Gillian's belief that devotional love with a Masculine man is one of the innermost, eternal longings of the Feminine heart ~ and is also one of the most primordial access points to a woman's own Awakening journey.
Gillian's writing, podcasts, and live teaching transmissions are often deeply polarizing and activating experiences.
She holds a Master’s Degree in Depth Psychology from the world-renowned Pacifica Graduate Institute. Gillian also undertook advanced studies at the Jung Institute in Philadelphia, completing hundreds of hours of post-graduate clinical and academic work in preparation to become a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT). However, she ultimately chose not to sit for the boards, instead following a more non-conventional, soul-aligned path that led to the founding of Feminine Eros.
The archetypal lens of Jungian / Depth psychology, especially in relationship to Masculine and Feminine aspects of the psyche are a deep and beautiful influence on the way Gillian regards and meets the wholeness of the human Soul.
It is Gillian's joy and greatest service to humanity to mirror and awaken the deeply Feminine-Essenced Ones to their true nature as the quintessence of Devotion and Love.
Gillian has also created powerful transformational crucibles for Deeply Potent Masculine Men that she called the Kingmaker Sessions.
On the Feminine Dimension I ask you this…scan the field of Teachers of the Feminine, and ask who is the most Masterful Teacher of the Feminine — with a distinct emphasis on the Exaltation of Men and the Masculine…AND walks the talk of being deeply in her own Erotic Eros and Devotion to a Mortal Man?
You will be hard pressed to find a woman who holds a Candle to Gillian’s Embodied Mastery in this Dimension.
Her potency and brilliance as a teacher of the Feminine and Masculine is actually an embodiment of the Devotional Union Codes I have laid out on this page.
Before we even met in her person, I felt her frequency and her potential but knew she didn’t quite have IT yet…she needed a man like me.
As Gillian freely admits, “She was very good before she met me. But I made her Great.”
This is one of her quintessential teachings as well:
Woman Births Child but Man Births Woman.
When you select a woman to be your Viking Wife, you have a responsibility to see Her Highest Potential and Shape, Sculpt and Birth Her into the Full Expression of HER Greatness.
The Radiance, Self-Expression and Opened Loving Heart of your Woman should be one of the greatest Demonstrations of your Creational Capacity as a Man.
You are Michaelangelo.
She is your Divine Art.
The Deepest Part of Her Feminine Essence wants to be That for you.
Truly understanding King Consciousness, means you understand that…
Your Woman is a fractal embodiment of the entire Feminine Frequency of Your Kingdom.
The Masculine Visions, Architects and Builds. The Feminine Animates.
If your Woman is not Deeply Descended in Feminine Nature your Kingdom may be Masterfully Constructed but it will FEEL like a Cold, Drab, Black & White Movie.
The Codes in the Viking Wives Club will lay the Foundation for you to Unlock this Creational Potential in your Union.
Here are some of Gillian’s Essays she has written on the topic of how she has been shaped by my Masculine Nature and its implications for all Feminine Woman on this similar Alchemical Journey of Devotional Union:
1. Because of Him —
4. Serving Him

I am not a typical Male Relationship Polarity Coach. To be clear, no truly Masculine Man would commit to being a full time Relationship Coach, Teacher and/or Writer as Relationship Dynamics are inherently a more Feminine Path.
I am a Serial Entrepreneur, Mystic, Philosopher, Writer, Spiritual Guide, Biohacker, Multidimensional System Builder and Architect with Polymathic Breadth and Depth with access to a Full Spectrum of Masculine Archetypal Energies: Warrior, Lover, Magician, and King.
More about me:
I knew the Viking Warrior/King Path was for me since I was a teenager. I have been an entrepreneur since I was 19. I dropped out of Stanford to Found the Startup Genome Project. Our research was covered in major news publications all over the world and adopted into the curriculum of hundreds of startup accelerators and universities. Our work spun into 3 different companies. 1 — Blackbox, an accelerator focused on connecting international entrepreneurs with the resources of Silicon Valley. Compass — a software company that was acquired by Sage, a FTSE 1000 Company. 3 — The Startup Genome — the world-leading innovation ecosystem development organization, having worked with more than 160 economic and innovation ministries and public/private agencies in over 55 countries.
From this entrepreneurial experience, I had all sorts of conventional Silicon Valley Wunderkind projections on me, that I felt inhibitory to where I wanted to go in life. My path took a distinctly Mystical turn in my early twenties. In the decade plus since, I have trained and initiated into many of the most advanced Spiritual Lineages in the World including Tibetan Buddhism, Integral Theory, Trans-Himalayan Teachings, Vedic Philosophy, and Shamanic Traditions from the Amazon.
I have managed 8 Figure Portfolios in Financial Markets using complex, innovative hedge fund strategies. I currently run a Fund of Funds called Multidimensional Capital and consult on a variety of financial matters including holistic wealth management, portfolio construction and non-conventional scenario planning.
I have been working at the intersection of Technology and Consciousness for over a decade. One of my companies has been building a new groundbreaking product integrating some of the most Multidimensional Maps of Consciousness with the new Large Language Model based Artificial Intelligence Technology. The product just entered Private Beta and the reviews from users have been incredible. We believe we are sitting on the seed of a huge, world-changing company, where the first product will be an incredibly viral B2C/B2B cross over app that enables individuals, groups and teams to understand themselves and their relational dynamics with revolutionary precision. Demo + more information available upon request.
As part of my work on the Startup Genome I developed a spin-off body of work called Startup Science. It essentially consisted of laying the Paradigmatic Foundations for Entrepreneurship to be Formalized as a Management Science co-equal to the Scientific Management taught in MBA programs all around the world. Additionally, from another perspective, Startup Science contains Multidimensional Fractal Creation and Innovation Codes for Running a Kingdom. What I developed was far ahead of its time and I wasn’t ready to bring it out into the world in the way it was asking me to when I created it in my twenties. I wrote a short book that I never published, despite having offers from major business book publishers. While this work has been on the backburner for a while, I expect it will play an intimate role in future work of mine as a Trusted Advisor to many Warrior/King Entrepreneurs who have the capacity to receive Higher Dimensional Innovation Codes and translate them into conventional 3D business landscape.
My life path has not been, ‘a straight up and to the right path’ Silicon Valley Exponential Growth Curve as I thought it might be in my formative years. It has been twisty, windy and disorienting. I have walked through the Shadow of the Valley of Death many times with many Dark Nights of the Soul and traversed numerous Death and Rebirth Experiences. I have navigated and healed from multiple business betrayals and backstabbings, chronic physical illnesses (thought uncurable by some), tragic suicides of loved ones and episodes of major depression. I am a deeply experienced Explorer and Guide in the Shadow Realms.
In Human Design, I am a mental projector. This rare typological design, combined with a number of other abilities, has given me the unique capacity to quickly download and access the multidimensional complexity of a person’s psyche, soul, relationship dynamics and business ecosystem. I can then quickly find the highest leverage points in any of these systems or sub-systems for rapid transformational results.
In terms of my capacity to work with Women and the Feminine, Gillian in the before and after state in her Beingness and her words of Appreciation and Gratitude for me are my greatest testimonial — but the codes and teachings I have woven deeply into the DNA of Feminine Eros that have Awakened hundreds of women to the greatest love they have ever known is a close second.
Many Warrior/Kings are Highly Rational and Women in their Feminine and Masculine/Feminine Relational Dynamics can appear “Airy-Fairy”, “Woo-Woo” Confusing, Illogical and Inscrutable. I can meet you in this realm and translate these codes with Scientific Rigor of an Engineering Discipline..
I have a big network of masterful practitioners to refer to in a majority of areas you may want to go deeper into, all mapped to a multidimensional map of consciousness.
I have been doing this type of work for lifetimes (I can show you unlock past life abilities too) . It's okay if you don’t believe in this type of thing, but it's better if you do…you are certainly benefiting from your past life work even if you aren’t aware of it. Having potent Warrior/King Consciousness is rare. Look around you. You know most men are followers. Sheep. Something different burns within you. How and Why? Mere genetics does not explain this and the past life karma of your soul undoubtedly plays a role. I can show you Secret Multidimensional Metaphysics that point to the Waves you’ve been Riding. As Morpheus in the infamous Red Pill scene in the Matrix,“You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain. But you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life. That there is something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about? Do you want to know what it is?”
The Deeper Societal Importance of the Viking Wives Club
As you no doubt have noticed, there is an intense global war going on…one way of describing it as the Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening.
While the Malevolent Forces are getting increasingly aggressive and overt, this is because they are on their way out. But as the old world crumbles a power vacuum will likely be created and many multidimensional strategists have come to the conclusion that the new world will be built on the foundation of the new Noble Families.
And in this new era, Nobility is not something that will be bestowed on you by ancestral lineage but will be recognized by:
1. The Quality of Your Consciousness
2. The Degree of your Surrendered Service to God / The Divine / The Holy Spirit / The Unity Principle (whatever terms resonate with you)
3. The Fruits of your Kingdom as expressed through the Creational Circuitry of your Union and how Healthy and Expressed both the Masculine and Feminine Principles are in You, Your Woman and all the Beings and Artifacts in your Kingdom.
In other words, the future of the world will be built on the Collective Unity of these Kingdoms rooted in Devotional Love, Family and a Legacy of Serving the Divine’s Expression on Planet Earth.
Investment to be discussed on a phone call for accepted applications. As this is the first time we are running the Viking Wives Club in this configuration, this is as inexpensive as it will ever be, and a small fraction of its intrinsic value it will provide to the life of Men and Women who this program is in alignment for. We offer this work in both small group masterminds as well as in private 1 on 1 containers when the right alignment and match is present.
Why this program is great for Warrior/Kings.
If you’re a Viking, you’re undoubtedly a busy man. As a Kingdom builder, all day you should be looking for high leverage investments where you can deploy your capital and receive a huge multidimensional ROI in return…it is even more valuable when you don’t have to use much of your most precious resource: your time.
In the Viking Wives Club you will receive transformation in the inner sanctum of your life without having to spend much time or energy; only money. If you have scalable financial channels in your life, the ROI of the Viking Wives Club on just the financial dimension of your life should come back to you in great multiples — for here’s another potent Gillian teaching — the Feminine is the Great Multiplier. You give her a tiny seed and she gives you a Child. And the Feminine Womb extends far beyond the physical and biological. Once you understand how to tap into this Great Metaphysical Secret…then you are truly a Multidimensional Wizard and King.
Here is our amazing testimonial page for All For Love.
If the Viking Wives Club is not a fit for you right now for whatever reason, we highly recommend you consider enrolling your woman in All For Love, our signature Evergreen Group Program.
Many of the women in the Viking Wives Club have been Initiates on the All For Love Path for years. Although it’s not necessary to do All For Love before the Viking Wives Club (as AFL is included as part of Viking Wives Club) it is highly encouraged and recommended. And the best results for Viking Wives come when she has first spent at least 3 months within the All For Love field.
All For Love is truly a magnum opus of Feminine Awakening and so much magic will open in your relationship as a result of your Woman immersing herself in the codes of All For Love.
In many ways the Viking Wives Club is the next step after a woman has integrated the foundational codes of All For Love, so much of the Path, Promise and Potential articulated in this page is facilitated by All For Love. But we also welcome those special Fast Track Advanced Player Women who are ready to do Viking Wives Club and All For Love simultaneously.
In summary here are some of the benefits of the Feminine Eros (All For Love + Viking Wives Club) Awakening Path
Shedding Isolation for Community and Belonging for those on this Rare Journey of Viking + Kingdom Consciousness
No longer losing energy to her resistance — which can then instead be RIGHTFULLY allocated to building your Kingdom
FINALLY END her subtle mutiny and resistance (which is actually PAINFUL for her)
Deep Personal Growth and Self-Discovery for both of you
Increased Emotional and Sexual Intimacy — Rekindling of the succulent erotic circuitry and sexual tension (and her erotic hunger for all of you…)
Unlocking True Intimacy, Depth and Unshakeable Stability in your Union
True Backing for the Depth of Vision, Ambitions and Goals in her ecstatic delight
The Creation of True Generational Wealth + Family Legacy
A beautiful new FEMININE TONE OF LOVE emanating throughout the Home, the Castle and the entire KINGDOM